Sensory Gifts of Love

Micah was recently gifted a sensory book created by a friend who hoped that the book would occupy him when he is feeling bored or figitty . The goal was to provide extra sensory input that would be calming during times when he needed to wait when he is out in public. The book is made of cloth and is filled with all different textures for him to experience. It really is an amazing creation and I wish I could say that Micah is impressed with it, but alas he has made it clear he is not at all interested in it, so we will be looking to pass it onto some other individual with sensory needs who will hopefully appreciate this special gift.

Over the years Micah has been gifted with other sensory focused gifts; some that he took to, and others not so much. My sister-in-law made him a beautiful weighted quilt that he will tolerate on very cold winter nights if put over him when he is sleepy. The extra weight was added as many people with Autism enjoy and benefit from the added pressure. While Micah does not use it daily, the lovely quilt was the only blanket that kept me warm when our family endured a bout of Covid last year. Some sensory gifts, like his quilt, extend comfort and blessings beyond Micah to his family.

Micah probably most appreciates sensory gifts that are edible. Gingersnap cookies made by a friend from church and cotton candy are instant hits as well as a recent bottle of Tabasco sauce that I left sitting on the counter, never dreaming that he would see it as a sensory delight. Future purchased bottles will be well hidden with other items such as cinnamon, a spice buried deep in our cupboard to make sure it is not consumed in one snack attack.

Fortunately, Micah has moved on from one of his more dangerous sensory obsessions of years past as he has thankfully not tried to drink gasoline for a few years. One never knows what he will pursue next to meet sensory needs that seem unique to him. The hope is to be one step ahead in clearing out dangerous sensory items while sharing the positive sensory gifts of love that brighten his days and bring safe sensory relief to quench needs the rest of us struggle to relate to.

Jan Lessard Peightell April 18, 2023

2 thoughts on “Sensory Gifts of Love

  1. We can tell that this very challenging for you and your husband. We are glad you have our son & daughter in-law to help. Also the friends that do things to help with the sensory gifts.

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