Photo Challenges

I have been feeling like I should send out a disclaimer with the family photograph on our Christmas card this year noting that Micah is not as miserable as he looks. Alas, if those concerned about his expression saw the other options for this photo, their concern would be heightened; the chosen photo was the best of many taken that day.

Smiling for a camera, any camera, makes no sense to Micah and when encouraged to look happy, he often makes a grimace that can give the impression that someone is about to torture him. The best photos of him are when he is naturally having fun and not concerned that someone is trying to encourage him to look happy for a photo. This is problematic for family photos as it is hard enough to catch the rest of us with our eyes open and looking at least semi-happy for a group photo. Encouraging Micah to join in with us has often been mission impossible. The best we can hope for is that he does not look miserable.

This was not always the case, we have many photos of Micah as a baby and young boy with a smile on his face. I cannot recall when the photographs began to change. Micah’s autism was regressive in that he had speech and social skills that disappeared over time, starting when he was a toddler. His natural smiles in photos seemed to retreat with his speech. His annual school photos over his school years show a progression of sad or somber expressions that catch at the hearts of those who love him.

But every once and a while the camera catches him at just the right moment. This past weekend we had a family Christmas celebration at Scott and Erica’s home and before we headed home, Erica suggested taking some family photos. Micah had been quiet and somewhat withdrawn during the gathering, so I was envisioning another not so happy photo, but Erica actually caught him smiling naturally.

A special Christmas blessing of a family photo that is now a rare treasure.

May you experience unexpected blessings this Holy season as well.

Jan Lessard Peightell, December 19, 2022

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